October 17, 2011

I'm Baaaack!

For those of you who have noticed my absence lately, I apologize.Things have been a little crazy around Chez Wicked and I've had a difficult time getting things together to continue posting. I will spare you all the details as I'm sure you've heard it all, but, let me assure you, I have something fun planned for this weekend.

I will be participating in the normal memes this week and offering up a couple of new reviews, however the 21st - 23rd are really what I'm excited about!. 

Yes that's right! Wickedly Bookish will be participating in the Wonderfully Wicked Read-a-Thon! Being this blog's first Read-a-Thon, it may not be quite as fancy as people are used to, but it will be fun and that's what is important! This Read-a-Thon is being hosted over at My Shelf Confessions so if you are interested in participating, whether you have a blog or not, head on over and sign up!  

What is a read-a-thon you ask? Well my wicked readers it is a space of time, in this case 3 days, in which we put aside all other distractions and read as much as possible to achieve our reading goals and/or challenges. The year is coming to a close and it's time to really push to achieve those goals we set at the beginning of the year. Of course we can't just sit and read for 72 hours straight, all of us have responsibilities to take care of. The point here is to minimize distractions where we can to optimize our reading potential! The guilty parties in my house tend to be video games, school, and my hubby. 

My goal this year was to read 100 books and I am at 82! Only 18 more books to go! I'm hoping to get a couple of those completed for the read-a-thon. I will be updating frequently throughout each day on my progress and hope that you will all cheer me on and share your own progress as well!

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